I looove me some Project Runway and of course I have been watching the latest season in it's new home, Lifetime, but I after last night's episode it's time to let off some steam.
I'm okay with the fact that this season, Nina Garcia and Michael Kors have been consistently absent. I'm okay with the new pointless Models of the Runway ploy to keep me home for an extra half hour (though it's not really working). I'm even okay with the fact that they're only giving the designers an hour to complete the challenges.
What I'm not okay with, is the most boring collection on top 6 designers in Project Runway history. Can we please see some COLOR!?! And while this season was devoid of any real excitement from the beginning, the people who would have given us something to look forward to (Epperson, Melvin, Ra'mon) were all booted way too early.
I'm not okay with with the collection of random judges we get to see each week (Rachel Bilson?).
And I'm really not okay with the fashion school homework assignment "challenges". Here's some money, go to Mood and do whatever you want isn't really motivating to the already less than eager personalities on the show.
Now playing: Josephine Baker - Partir sur un Bateau tout
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